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What are my 90 Day Goals? Ummmmmmmmmmmm Good question.

This planner can be used for anything. Plan your career, new business, health kick, lifestyle change, break some addictions, relationship goals, educational achievements, spiritual goals, forgiveness, peace or happiness. It is my goal to tackle the ultimate trio: mind, body and soul!

Mind: I just want to improve my mental state by being at peace with everything I do, say and think. My high school dance team used to have a lot of problems (you know female teens) and one of our coaches or captains (I don’t remember) gave us a paper. The paper stated “Watch your thoughts because they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions because they become who you are.” I will be the first to say I know my thoughts aren’t always as positive as they should be. I often drown myself in self-pity and that completely destroys whatever goal, or vision I have at the time. Like seriously Joiya? STFU and do what needs to be done. I also want to stop letting temporary things permanently consume my mind. IT IS #SELFSYNERGY17 let go of those toxic vibes and people.

Body: I have always been fat in my head. I am overweight and I live on #TeamPudge / #TeamPopBelly LMAO !! But that’s not why I want to change my body. If you are an African American woman you need to be aware of all the things working against your health. Yesterday when I was driving to work they said that 80% of black women have thyroids, and honestly I don’t know much about thyroids but I surely did my research. I’m personally doing 90 days of no meat, no fried food, and not much dairy to assist with my workout regimen. I AM NOT GIVING UP MY WINE THOUGH

Soul: My soul is my spiritual being. Me and God. God and I. It is my goal to stop waiting until I’m in trouble or waiting on a blessing to truly go to God. When I was jobless 5 months ago, I spent every morning meditating. My meditation time included a read from Daily Bred, Jesus Calling and 20 minutes of non-stop intimate prayer before a daily workout. It also featured Yogi Detox Tea. I WAS AT SO MUCH PEACE AND FELT SO CONNECTED TO GOD!!! I NEED that connection to be 24/7 and those acts need to be habitual. I want to be so blessed and rich in the spirit, that the girl is just on overflow sharing it with the world Craig!

In the next post I’ll tackle the actual book and fill in the blanks that lie between me and those three goals.

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